MONUSCO’s mandate explained to the population of Isiro (Haut Uélé)

20 Jan 2015

MONUSCO’s mandate explained to the population of Isiro (Haut Uélé)

Isiro – 13 January 2015: MONUSCO Public Information Section in Kisangani organized a meeting with civil society in Isiro on 13 January 2015 to discuss MONUSCO’s mandate. The meeting took place at the conference room of the Isiro cathedral and was attended by civil society delegates who, in turn, should debrief the population in the administrative capital of Haut Uélé.

The purpose of the meeting chaired by the head of public information office/Kisangani was to get participants to understand activities carried out by the different substantive sections of MONUSCO on civilians’ protection and to build professional capacity in several areas: logistic support and peace consolidation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The chief of MONUSCO Public Information took the audience through the background history of the peace process, starting with the Lusaka Agreement which brought the war to a halt and the Sun City Agreement helped reunify the country. She also took the opportunity to highlight the efforts made by the UN Mission to assist the Congolese in establishing a definite and lasting peace in the DR Congo.

Discussions were very productive insofar as they shed on light on the gray areas raised in relation to the presence of work done by the Mission in that area.

The civil society coordinator in Isiro, Reverend Dieudonné, on behalf of the population of Isiro expressed gratitude to MONUSCO and voiced their wish to see such meetings organized regularly to enable them to better understand the UN mission’s activities. He called on the civil society representatives to organize debriefing meeting for the population on MONUSCO activities.

Texte et photo de Bilamekaso TCHAGBELE