DDR/RR partners

DDRRR does not work in isolation. It collaborates with other institutions and organizations for the achievement of its mandate. Some of its active partners include:

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): It handles the repatriation of foreign civilian refugees mainly from the DRC to Rwanda. 
MONUSCO Child Protection Section: child ex-combatants who surrender to DDR/RR across eastern DR Congo are brought to our various transit camps and handed over to Child Protection Section for screening, registration, and transfer to the right agencies for care and support. 

The Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (RDRC): It is responsible for receiving and reintegrating Rwandan ex-combatants who are repatriated from the DR Congo by the DDRRR Section of MONUSCO. It runs a demobilization and orientation center in Mutobo and Muhaze where ex-combatants, including ex-child soldiers, receive basic training (such as civic education, history of the country, fundamentals of human rights, the administrative situation of the country, and project management). At the end of 45 days of training, the ex-combatants are provided reintegration money to return to their towns and villages.

The Ugandan Amnesty Commission (UAC): It is responsible for receiving and reintegrating Ugandan ex-combatants from the ADF and the LRA armed groups operating in the DR Congo into civilian life. The Commission has granted all Ugandan combatants amnesty if they lay down their arms and return to the country voluntarily. Each ex-combatant that returns is entitled to a resettlement package including cash, agricultural, and household items for reintegration. 

South Sudan Commission for DDR (SSCDDR): It is in charge of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration processes of all armed groups in Southern Sudan. The DDR/RR Section of MONUSCO also collaborates with this commission in order to hand over all Sudanese ex-combatants who come from the LRA.