Young people in North-Kivu called upon to contribute to efforts for the restoration peace

4 Sep 2015

Young people in North-Kivu called upon to contribute to efforts for the restoration peace

Goma, 29 August 2015 – Youth International Day, on 12 August, organized a number of meetings in Goma and Kichanga, territory of Masisi, to get the young people from member associations of the youth provincial Board (CPJ), with MONUSCO’s support, to commit themselves to the restoration of peace in the province.

La plateforme avait sollicité la contribution du bureau de l’Information publique de la MONUSCO-Goma pour mener cette vaste campagne conjointe, et ainsi donner la parole aux jeunes sur les problèmes qui minent encore la paix dans la région et sur leur engagement dans le processus électoral.

The platform called for MONUSCO-Goma public information office contribution to co-organize this joint campaign aimed to give the young people the opportunity to address the obstacles to the peace in the region and make their commitment to contribute to the electoral process. Altogether 800 young from Goma and 250 from Kichanga, respectively from the International Youth Movement (MIJA) and the Humanitarian Vision, MEDUMAS etc. – participated in the brainstorming. It was established that “the young people in the north-Kivu are both victims and actors in the destabilization of their province” said Guy Kibira, the head of the CPJ.

Kichanga is one of the districts of the North-Kivu province where armed gangs hamper efforts to ensure security in the area. Armed groups are mushrooming around those areas, inviting the young people to join their ranks. To curb this, CIJ member associations agreed to increase the number of public awareness campaigns to get the young people to desert those groups.

Silvestre Kilolo et Fathya Waberi