In Kasaï Occidental, MONUSCO and UNDP educate young people about their rights and responsibilities

7 fév 2013

In Kasaï Occidental, MONUSCO and UNDP educate young people about their rights and responsibilities

Kananga, 4 February 2013 – The Civil Affairs Section of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) organized on Saturday, 2 February 2013, in Kananga, capital of Kasaï Occidental province, a meeting to plan the activities of the Cadre de Concertation des Jeunes (CCJ – Youth Consultation Framework) on civil rights and responsibilities. This activity was supported by MONUSCO Office of Public Information. The participants included ten CCJ members from three main components; i.e. the presidential majority, the opposition and the civil society. The meeting was organized in preparation for an important training session to raise awareness on civic education, which MONUSCO and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) intend to organize in the next few weeks for students in Kananga.

The aim is to educate young people about their rights and responsibilities in society. André Kitenge, one of MONUSCO Civil Affairs officials explained that "the youth, which is often manipulated by politicians or used as a scapegoat must gradually raise its consciousness".

The participants to this preparatory meeting expressed much interest and said that they were ready to ensure full participation of many of their peers to the upcoming training session.

Lansana Dabo/ MONUSCO