
On Friday 25 February 2022, Radio Okapi celebrated its twentieth anniversary: a UN medium that has captured the hearts of the Congolese people over the years.

Notables, traditional chiefs, civil society actors and representatives of the displaced all insisted on the necessity and urgency of restoring the authority of the state to allow the displaced to return to their places of origin. Photo United Nations / Eskinder Debebe

Thirteen civilians were seriously injured following a deadly attack carried out on February 15, 2022 by militiamen from a CODECO armed group faction, in the locality named Scierie Abelkoze, Ituri. Photos MONUSCO/AirOps

The Eringeti base is now operational with South African peacekeepers whose mission is to ensure the protection of civilians. Photo MONUSCO / Koumbo Sy

"The two communities were not talking to each other due to the tensions. It took a dose of goodwill on both sides to turn over the tide. Today, a new era opens before us. We have talked to each other and forgiven each other", said the two chiefs together. Photo MONUSCO / Debon Mwisa

The mayor of the city of Butembo, the senior commissioner Mowa Baeki Telly, expressed the wish to see the prison authorities further strengthen collaboration with MONUSCO for the benefit of the detainees. Photo MONUSCO / Grace Assani

The CAN, or Early Warning System, is a community-based warning system set up by MONUSCO's Civil Affairs section. Photo MONUSCO / Force
