Civil society and provincial officials in Aru sensitized on new MONUSCO’s mandate

9 Sep 2013

Civil society and provincial officials in Aru sensitized on new MONUSCO’s mandate

Aru, 6 September 2013 - In Eastern Province, the public information section of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) organized, on 6 September in Aru, district of Ituri, an information workshop for local population on the UN Mission's current mandate.

The workshop brought together local authorities, representatives of political parties and different civil society components, especially religious communities, youth associations, students, as well as women's and teachers' associations in a territory located 350 km away from Bunia, the administrative territory.

The workshop is part of the awareness activities for the populations in Ituri on MONUSCO's mandate as set forth in the UN Security Council Resolution 2098.

At the end of the workshop, both the population and authorities were happy to learn that civilians' protection remains MONUSCO's key priority and the UN Mission has been reinforced with an intervention Brigade tasked to track down and neutralize the armed groups operating in Eastern DRC.

Amadou Maïga/ MONUSCO