DRC military trained to become more professional
Photo: Emmanuel Tombo Tombola
Bandundu, 29 August 2011 – A three-day training session for 55 elements of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) in Bandundu province, western Democratic Republic of Congo, ended on 29 August 2011.
This training was part of a series launched two months ago by the Congolese Ministry of Defense, in partnership with the US Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DILLS) with support from the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO). All training sessions are organized around the theme of "Work Ethics and a Corruption-free Professional Army".
The UN Mission provided not only logistical and technical support, but also lent its services in the area of military criminal law.
Several local high-ranking military and civilian officials participated in the training, including the Naval Base Commander, the Military Auditor, and the Provincial Governor. All the trainees received a certificate of participation, and pledged to respect the Code of Conduct of the Country's Public Service.
The first training sessions in the series took place last June and July in the provinces of Kasai Occidental, Kasai Oriental, and Maniema. The next session is scheduled to take place in Sud-Kivu province later this month.
Marie-Claude Nielly/ MONUSCO