Goma - DDRRR Community Violence Reduction (CVR) Workshop

Goma - DDRRR Community Violence Reduction (CVR) Workshop

Goma - DDRRR Community Violence Reduction (CVR) Workshop. Photo MONUSCO/Martha Biongo

9 Oct 2017

Goma - DDRRR Community Violence Reduction (CVR) Workshop

MONUSCO North Kivu  DDRRR Section has reported that  at least 2,000 people, including 462 demobilized and 370 vulnerable women, have already been direct beneficiaries of the first phase of the Community Violence Reduction program.

The report was made  by the Unit head  Dohotie Coulibaly during a workshop which brought together  MONUSCO and   some 50  stake holders   from  government, UN Agencies, civil society,  and other stake holders drawn from Goma   the territories of  Masisi, Walikale, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo during a first 6 months midterm evaluation program workshop on  05 October 2017.

The CVR project he informed is a new approach to MONUSCO aimed at the socio-economic reintegration of demobilized ex-combatants.

Speaking during the opening ceremony the acting Head of Office for North Kivu Josiah Obat welcomed the initiative to bring together various Stakeholders executing CVR project to know who is doing what and Where to avoid duplication and to improve efficiency on the field.

 He reiterated MONUSCO’s commitment to work not only with demobilized combatants but also with the communities to end violence in the province.

The provincial minister of the plan in North Kivu, representative of the governor at the ceremony, promised the involvement of the provincial government, for more impact in this project. Madame Marie Shematsi BAENI  said  the CVR is a program that is already integrated into the activities of the Provincial Government, through the Ministry of Planning. “And, we are supporting this program because, it is a program that can give us quick solutions she added.”

North Kivu, she went on has the problem of armed groups that make stabilization unsuccessful. So if this program is successful to resolve the problem of armed groups, and the government is accompanying it for its success, I believe that stabilization will succeed in solving the problem of armed groups in the province”.

Through the projection of power points including DPKO Model of the concept of  CVR  with which puts a particular accent on the protection of civilians  and support for stabilization measures addressing the problem of violence linked to armed groups and criminals and auto defense groups  in the country.

The concept also supports Re integration, Reinsertion of the demobilized against violence.

Other presentations were by DDRRR section, Provincial Ministry of Agriculture, members of the committee and Stabilization section amongst others. This followed by a question and answer session which was followed by working in groups, and a plenary where some recommendations were made. Participants described the workshop as timely and enriching.

 It should be noted that the Rehabilitation of Agricultural Roads, Reforestation and Sanitation, Market Rehabilitation and Conflict Resolution, among others, were carried out during this first phase of CVR, in the city of Goma and the territories of Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo.

Martha Biongo /SCPID -Goma