Kasaï Occidental prepares for forthcoming elections

25 May 2012

Kasaï Occidental prepares for forthcoming elections

Kananga, 22 mars 2012 – In the run-up to the forthcoming local elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and especially in Kasai Occidental province, the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO)'s Public Information Office organized in the province's capital, Kananga, on 21 March, a workshop on the appropriately selected theme "Evaluation of the 28 November 2011 elections, and the next stages of the electoral process." The workshop involved some 50 participants, including representatives from the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), and leaders of political parties and civil society.

The workshop opened with plenary presentations by the different participating groups, followed by a debate session facilitated by MONUSCO officials. These exchanges afforded the participants an opportunity to denounce the dysfunctions and uncivil behaviors which tainted the 28 November 2011 elections, and which included the delayed deployment of electoral materials in some polling offices, cartographic errors, physical violence and other acts of intimidation.

Based on these observations, the workshop participants came up with some recommendations, which included reinforcing and improving the capacities within the CENI through the recruitment of qualified personnel with recognized competencies; strengthening civic education and electoral sensitization among the population of Kasai Occidental; and organizing permanent meetings under the Consultation Framework for Peaceful Elections.

Les participants then departed, convinced that these recommendations, if heeded and acted upon, will contribute to the successful conduct of the forthcoming local elections as well as promote the culture of democracy in the province.

Lansana Dabo/ MONUSCO