Leila Zerrougui in Nord Kivu to assess security situation

13 Mar 2012

Leila Zerrougui in Nord Kivu to assess security situation

Goma, 1 March 2012
– The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ms. Leila Zerrougui, arrived in Goma, capital of Nord Kivu province on Thursday, 1st March for a working visit to assess the security and human rights situation in the region.

Ms Zerrougui's four-day visit took her successively to Kaniro, Kimua, Rwindi (Walikale territory), Kirumba, Mpati (Rutshuru territory), and Saké (Masisi territory). In the wake of the 2011 presidential and legislative elections, some of these villages have been the scene of heavy fighting between different armed groups with serious human rights violations committed against civilians.

The key issues that the Deputy Special Representative focused upon during her visit included human rights violations, sexual violence and civilian protection – three fundamental aspects of the mandate of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). Ms. Zerrougui also looked at the situation of minority pygmies who have been displaced by war from their natural environment, and who continue to be the victims of various forms of discrimination and human rights abuses.

Alexandre Essome/ MONUSCO