MONUSCO’s mandate explained to Human Rights Activists in Kisangani

6 Nov 2015

MONUSCO’s mandate explained to Human Rights Activists in Kisangani

MONUSCO Public Information Office in Kisangani organized a conference-debate around the theme “MONUSCO’s activities in Kisangani” held in the township of Makiso on Thursday 5 November 2015; in attendance were roughly 200 members of the NGO “Vision Internationale pour l’Encadrement des Activistes des Droits Humains” (VIEADH).

The speakers respectively explained the activities carried out by the different UN Mission's units, especially those relating to capacity-building, logistic support, civilian protection, restoration of the Rule of Law and peace consolidation carried out in the various areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Magazine "Echos de la MONUSCO" was handed out during the conference as part of the dissemination of MONUSCO's mandate and its role on backing the organization of the upcoming elections in the city of Kisangani.

Lansana Dabo