MONUSCO’s mandate explained to women in Kisangani

4 Sep 2015

MONUSCO’s mandate explained to women in Kisangani

MONUSCO-Kisangani Public Information section in collaboration with other organic sessions (Gender, Human Rights, United Nations Police and Political Affairs) of the UN Mission and in partnership with the NGO Social Defense for the Progress and Development of the Rural Area (DSPDR), organized on Wednesday 2 September 2015, a sensitization session on MONUSCO’s mandate for the Civil Society women in the town of Kisangani.

About a hundred women took part in the forum held in the meeting hall of the township with the same name. The message focused on MONUSCO’s interventions and respect for human rights and gender. So, the different dimensions of the MONUSCO’s mandate, its role in Kisangani, mainly regarding civilians’ protection, its functioning structure as well as issues regarding women’s rights, and fight against impunity for gender based violence were adressed.

Participants were also sensitized on the importance of educating children, more particularly girls. Exchanges also focused on the support provided by MONUSCO to the restoration of State authority for the consolidation of peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Civil Society Women of the Township of Kisangani were appreciative of this information sharing and thanked MONUSCO for organizing it. They pledged to engage in the fight against their human rights violation and to collaborate with MONUSCO to this end. Interpretation of the different sessions into Swahili was provided to help the majority of the participants understand.

Lansana Dabo