MONUSCO Assists Province Orientale in the Resolution of Unarmed Conflicts

20 Jan 2014

MONUSCO Assists Province Orientale in the Resolution of Unarmed Conflicts

Kisangani, 9 January 2014 – on Thursday 9 January 2014 in Kisangani, MONUSCO concluded a workshop on the resolution of unarmed conflict between communities in Province Oriental. The workshop was organized by the MONUSCO Civil Affairs section in collaboration with the provincial Ministry of Interior and Public Order.

Some twenty civil society actors, relevant representatives of public services notably the judicial systems, Land Affairs, Planning and Interior from Bunia, Dungu and Kisangani, attended this three-day seminar.

"This is to urge public and non-public partners to seriously address the issue of conflict resolution which is in the eyes of everyone, an important link in the consolidation of peace, stabilization and community recovery" said Mr. André Joshwa Efafe, MONUSCO Civil Affairs Officer.

Participants worked on updating the mapping of unarmed conflicts in Province Orientale and analyzing them. They exchanged their experience with in-depth of the different types of community conflicts reported in the province notably land, traditional, ethnic, political and administrative conflicts as well as those related to natural resources.

More specifically, participants also drafted a provincial action plan for resolving such conflicts.
This plan will be submitted to the provincial government for assessment and implementation during 2014.

Prior to the workshop, MONUSCO facilitated the establishment of provincial Risk Analysis Committees in Kisangani to identify conflicts and classify current and potential high-risk areas by analyzing the various factors affecting the stability, peace and protection of civilians.

Codjo Houegniglo/MONUSCO