MONUSCO builds HIV/AIDS awareness among students

20 Feb 2015

MONUSCO builds HIV/AIDS awareness among students

Mahagi, 09 February 2015 – The Bangladeshi contingent of MONUSCO based in Ituri district, Oriental province, organized on 09 February 2015 an HIV/AIDS awareness session for students of the Universite du Lac, in Mahagi territory.

Two hundred people consisting of students, academic authorities, professors, local civilian and military officials, and MONUSCO staff attended the session that took place on the University premises.

Lieutenant-colonel Mohammad Hossain Moazzem, Deputy Commander of the Bangladeshi contingent (BANBATT 2/18) led the session during which the contingent’s chief medical officer gave an excellent presentation on the current situation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa. He dwelled at length on the pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS and the means of prevention and protection against this deadly virus, to the great satisfaction of the participants.

The Deputy territorial Administrator, while thanking the Bangladeshi contingent for organizing this awareness session, stressed: “it is important that this program, which has raised so much enthusiasm among the population especially students, should organized regularly so that a maximum number of young people can be made aware of the dangers of HIV/AIDS and know how to protect themselves against it for a better future.”