MONUSCO Police supports the reviving of the coordination tasked to combat gender-based violence

MONUSCO Police supports the reviving of the coordination tasked to combat gender-based violence. Photo MONUSCO/Laurent Sam OUSSOU

3 Jul 2020

MONUSCO Police supports the reviving of the coordination tasked to combat gender-based violence

Laurent Sam OUSSOU

The United Nations police (UNPOL) sector serving within MONUSCO in Kananga, Kasaï-Central province, organized with its partners, a brainstorming workshop around the coordination of the responses in the context of the fight against gender-based violence (GBV).

The urban coordinator of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) in Kananga has justified the holding of this workshop by the fact that "a good number of actors in the fight against GBV work in isolation which does not allow not only to  come up with consistent statistics, but also above all to ensure good management of this phenomenon which has been gaining more ground amidst this health situation characterized by the COVID-19 ”.

According to Sylvie Kafunda, the Minister of Gender, “The executioners [of GBVs] are generally the close friends, the parents of the victims. We have therefore decided to work in synergy with the partner structures. This is the decision we made. In the next meetings, we will see how to move forward. "

The provincial ministries of gender and justice participated in this reflection in order to ensure that those working in GBV have indeed revived the consultation framework for the follow-ups of cases of the survivors of gender-based violence are properly conducted. According to the CNDH urban coordinator, "this will help to raise more funds based on the consistency of the data and the avoidance of duplicates in the treatment of GBV victims. "

The workshop highlighted that the actors in this field used to work on the same cases without realizing it, thus duplicating the aid and reporting a case several times. This often distorted understanding and knowledge of the extent of the phenomenon.

The CNDH urban official pointed out, “a national database has been set up to report cases of GBV survivors. Since its launch, it is clear that the use of the database has much improved here in the Kasai central province. We need to map out all the stakeholders not only to achieve consistency and coherence in our actions in favour of the survivors but also to be able to develop effective awareness-raising actions to combat GBVs in the Kasai Central province. "