MONUSCO is rehabilitating the Baraka-Fizi-Minembwe road

25 May 2012

MONUSCO is rehabilitating the Baraka-Fizi-Minembwe road

Uvira, 7 March 2012 – Field engineers from the Chinese battalion of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) have been rehabilitating the 135 kilometres of road stretching from Baraka through Fizi to Minembwe. On 29 February last, a 33 km stretch of newly rehabilitated road was handed over to Congolese authorities. On 6 March, Chinese field engineers were ordered to begin the second phase of the rehabilitation work for the road.

"This road segment of great importance was in a very bad condition," commented Michel Ndjolo, an engineer and brigade chief with the Roads Office in Uvira. "This (road rehabilitation) will enable a better flow of goods and persons along this segment of the National Road Nr. 5, which connects Sud-Kivu and Katanga provinces," Mr. Njolo added.

Once completed, this road will also facilitate the transport of Congolese troops and their hardware to the capital of Fizi territory towards the highlands of Minembwe, which are prone to high levels of insecurity due to the presence of various armed groups.

The Baraka-Minembwe road is one of the three key access roads in Sud-Kivu under the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy (ISSSS). It plays an important role in restoring State authority and re-establishing economic and social services.

The first phase of repair work on this road began on 26 September 2011 and was completed on 28 February 2012. MONUSCO undertakes this type of works in rural areas in accordance with its mandate, which includes contributing to the well-being of the Congolese population.

Laurent Sam Oussou/MONUSCO