MONUSCO takes note of recent developments in the DRC and stresses the urgent need for strict implementation of the 31 December 2016 agreement
Kinshasa, 9 April 2017 - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Congo (MONUSCO), Maman Sidikou, continues to follow recent developments in the country closely and has taken note in this regard, of the appointment by President Joseph Kabila, on 7 April 2017, of a new Prime Minister, Mr. Bruno Tshibala. He has equally taken note of the Rassemblement’s response to the President’s decision, as expressed in its press release of 9 April 2017.
The Special Representative underscores the weighty responsibility that all Congolese political stakeholders bear at this critical juncture in their country’s history, especially in ensuring that they are guided with restraint and the spirit of dialogue which is needed now more than ever. It behooves all Congolese stakeholders to put the national interest and their people’s aspirations for well-being and good governance above all other considerations.
Only by so doing will they be able to consolidate the hard earned gains of peace and stability obtained with the steadfast support of the international community and ensure a consensus-based transition towards free, fair and transparent elections, in keeping with the Constitution. In this regard, the Special Representative recalls once more that there is no alternative to the full and faithful implementation of the 31 December 2016 Agreement facilitated by the National Episcopal Conference of the Congo (CENCO). He seized the opportunity to pay tribute to CENCO on behalf of the United Nations for its tireless efforts and steadfast commitment to dialogue and to defending the national interest.
The Special Representative reiterates MONUSCO's commitment, in accordance with Security Council resolution 2348, to spare no effort in helping to ensure, in close coordination with relevant international partners, notably the African Union, the strict implementation of the December 31 Political Agreement.
More specifically, the Special Representative underlines his continued availability, through his good offices, to support any national effort aimed at creating conditions conducive to the full mobilization of the international community and ensuring that it effectively supports the political process.
In the meantime, MONUSCO will continue, to the best of its ability and within available means, to discharge its mandate of protecting the civilian population, bearing in mind that this is primarily the responsibility of the DRC authorities. "