Press Releases

  • 02 Jan 2015 - Nairobi, 02 January 2015 – Today, 2 January 2015, marks the expiration of the six month grace period granted by the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for the full and unconditional surrender...
  • 16 Dec 2014 - Conviction of Lieutenant-Colonel Bedi Engangela alias « Colonel 106 » is a strong message to perpetrators of human rights abuses, says MONUSCO Kinshasa, 16 December 2014 - MONUSCO welcomes the conviction and sentencing to life imprisonment of Lieutenant-Colonel Bedi Engangela...
  • 10 Dec 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO and Abdoul Aziz Thioye, Director ad interim of the United Nations Human Rights Joint Office pay tribute to human rights activists Kinshasa, 10 December 2014 – “Human rights activists are the guarantors of freedom and equality. Those heroes who...
  • 02 Dec 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, and Mamadou Sakho, UNAIDS Country Director for the DRC, appeal for “zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths” Kinshasa, 1st December 2014 - “World Aids Day reminds us of the importance of the...
  • 11 Nov 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO and Abdourahamane Diallo, UNESCO Representative to the DRC urge Congolese youth to embrace sciences Kinshasa, 8 November 2014 – The international community commemorates this Monday, 10 November, the World Science Day for Peace and Development....
  • 18 Oct 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, calls for decisive joint military actions to neutralize the ADF Kinshasa 18 October 2014 – Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, calls for “decisive joint military actions of FARDC and MONUSCO to start as soon as possible in order...
  • 18 Oct 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, profoundly concerned at the request of DRC Government calling for the departure of Scott Campbell ã Kinshasa, 18 October 2014 – Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, is deeply disturbed by the request of the DRC government, calling for the...
  • 17 Oct 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, is in Beni to express his support to the families of the victims of the massacres perpetrated by ADF Beni, 17 October 2014 – Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, paid homage to the victims of the Beni attacks,...
  • 17 Oct 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO condemns in the strongest terms the heinous attacks against the population in Beni and vigorously reiterates the common determination of MONUSCO and FARDC to neutralize the Allied Democratic Forces Goma, October 16, 2014 -...
  • 09 Oct 2014 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, commends Government and international actors’ efforts controlling the Ebola virus in the DRC Kinshasa, 9 October 2014 – After a visit to Lokolia and Boende in Equateur province, Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, commends the great work done by...
