Press Releases

  • 01 Dec 2015 - Maman S. Sidikou, Head of MONUSCO, strongly condemns the ADF attacks against civilians, FARDC and MONUSCO bases in Makembi and Eringeti Kinshasa, 30 November 2015 – The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for the Democratic republic of the Congo (DRC...
  • 12 Sep 2015 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, supports the implementation of the Addis Ababa Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework Agreement Kinshasa: 12 September 2015 - "On the occasion of the United Nations Day for South-South cooperation, I commend the Congolese Government for its...
  • 31 Aug 2015 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO and Jose Maria Aranaz, Representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the DRC call for strengthened policies to address enforced disappearances Kinshasa, 30 August 2015 – “On the occasion of the International Day of the Victims of...
  • 24 Aug 2015 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, calls for the remembrance of the victims of slavery in order to draw inspiration from them Kinshasa, 23 August 2015 – “The observance of the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition is an opportunity for all of...
  • 21 May 2015 - Expositi8on photographique du Travail de la MONUSCO Promgramme de vernissage de l'exposition photo
  • 07 Apr 2015 - Martin Kobler, Chief of MONUSCO, applauds Congolese sportsmen and women and urges them to engage in the service of peace and tolerance Kinshasa, 6 April 2015 – “Sports means knowing how to compete in full respect for one’s rival and the rules of the game...
  • 01 Apr 2015 - Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, and Maximilian Dyck, Country Director, UNMAS Committed with the Government for a mine-free DRC by 2020 Kinshasa, 1 April 2015 - "The objective of the Congolese Government is to make the DRC mine-free...
  • 12 Feb 2015 - Martin Kobler, Chief of MONUSCO, condemns the use of child soldiers by armed groups in DRC Kinshasa, 12 February 2015 - “Thousands of children continue to be recruited by armed groups in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Child recruitment...
  • 26 Jan 2015 - Martin Kobler, Chief of MONUSCO, applauds the adoption of the electoral law by the Parliament in an effort to bring back social peace to the DRC Kinshasa, 25 January 2015 – “I congratulate the Parliament on reaching a compromise on the revision of the electoral...
  • 17 Jan 2015 - Kinshasa, 15 January 2015 – “I express full solidarity with the Government and back its fight against all armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The current fighting against the Front de Résistance Patriotique de l’Ituri shows our determination to neutralize all...
