The protection of children at the center of a workshop in Ituri

13 Jun 2013

The protection of children at the center of a workshop in Ituri

Bunia, 12 June 2013
- As a prelude to the forthcoming celebration of the Day of the African Child on 16 June, ten journalists from local radio outlets in the Ituri district, Oriental province, met on Tuesday to reflect on the phenomenon of child recruitment and use by armed groups, as well as the protection of children from sexual violence. The meeting was initiated by the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO) through its Child Protection Unit, and UNICEF.

A regional action plan for ending the recruitment and use of children by armed groups and security forces was signed last year between the United Nations and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The purpose of this workshop was to involve the local press in supporting this action plan.

The workshop resulted in the establishment of a micro-project comprising a series of radio broadcasts to promote the prevention and protection of children from recruitment by armed groups, and to raise awareness among the general public, the militia and armed group leaders, and the local authorities.

Amadou Maiga/ MONUSCO