South Kivu: At least 20,000 people gain access to clean and safe water thanks to MONUSCO

3 Jul 2015

South Kivu: At least 20,000 people gain access to clean and safe water thanks to MONUSCO

South Kivu, 1st July 2015 — Wednesday 1st July saw the official handover by MONUSCO of a completed potable water supply project which will benefit about 20,000 people in and around the Natural Science Research Center (CRSN) of Luiro, in Kabare territory. The project was handed over to the community through Mr. Albert Murhi, the provincial minister for mines and water resources.

The US$ 33,790 project was financed by MONUSCO and involved the following works: rehabilitation of the water source, replacement of the water pipes over 4 km, and construction of a 24 cubic-meters reservoir.

Adama Ndao, who represented the head of MONUSCO office, said this project has helped rehabilitate the existing water supply network of the Natural Science Research Center (CRSN) of Luiro.

She said beyond the CRSN, this water network provides drinking water to all of the institutions working for science development in the area, and also to the surrounding villages of Ciali, Bulolo 1, Bulolo 2, Matete, Kamasiga and Maziba.

The fact of having easy access to potable water is well appreciated, and for several reasons, by the more than 5,000 women and 10,000 young people living in these villages. As Adama Ndao noted, “they will not only be spared the burden walking long distances in search of this so precious water but, more importantly, they will be protected from security threats.”

This is the second quick-impact project realized by MONUSCO for the benefit of the Natural Science Research Center of Luiro, after the project that saw the CRSN’s geophysical station rehabilitated and equipped.

Dr. Baluku Bajope, Director-General of the CRSN, said « the first project funded by MONUSCO has led to scientific development”. The water system inaugurated today will contribute to “social development of the CRSN and its surrounding areas,” he added.

The CRSN Director-General called for thoughtful use, and without waste, of all the fruits of this project, saying water is life and it is expensive.