Training for registrars and secretaries of prosecution offices in Kasaï Occidental and Kasaï Orienta
Kananga, 18 October 2012 – A training workshop for prosecution registrars and secretaries of civilian and military tribunals was held on 17 October 2012 in Kananga, capital of Kasaï Occidental province, dealing with the themes "Management of records and exhibits of evidence" and "Gathering and handling of statistical data".
Organized jointly by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the Ministry of National Defence, with the facilitation of the Corrections Support section of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), this workshop involved participants from the provinces of Kasaï Occidental and Kasaï Oriental.
The workshop was placed under the auspices of the Governor ad interim of Kasaï Occidental. Those participating included also members of the Provincial Security, judicial officials representing the two provinces, and the Provincial Coordinator of the United Nations system, Alain Sitchet.
The meeting gave the approximately 40 participants an opportunity to improve their knowledge in two areas: Statistical Literacy, and Data Collection and Quality Control.
Lansana Dabo/ MONUSCO