The Women of Tchopo District Sensitized on Gender Issues

12 Mar 2011

The Women of Tchopo District Sensitized on Gender Issues

Kisangani, 3 mars 2011
– Just days before the International Women's Day celebrations on March 8, the UN Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO) organized an awareness campaign for women on gender issues in the Tshopo district of Kisangani, Oriental Province.

Under the guidance of MONUSCO Public Information Division and the UN Joint Human Rights Office, the campaign was to raise awareness on gender parity in their community, where women are among the most vulnerable due essentially to high illiteracy rates and a culture of male domination.

The campaign attracted over 300 female participants who were also joined by community and religious leaders, as well as traditional chiefs.

Among those who also participated at the campaign was the Congolese Women Union for the Development of Oriental Province (UFCOD), a local NGO that promotes gender parity and women's rights. The UFCOD delivered a strong message to their womenfolk which was centred on their role in the society.

MONUSCO distributed several items such as school supplies and a number of publications produced by the Mission.

Codjo Houegniglo/ MONUSCO