Eastern DRC’s Stabilisation: Ambitious Project for the Kivus and Ituri

16 Sep 2010

Eastern DRC’s Stabilisation: Ambitious Project for the Kivus and Ituri

Kinshasa, 14 September 2010 – While the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) is continuing its effort to reduce violence in eastern DRC, its is also focusing on the stabilisation and peace consolidation activities. On 16 September, MONUSCO Civil Affairs section (CAS), UNDP and Government's partners finalised an action plan for the training of 500 public servants to be deployed in the two Kivus and Ituri, following consultations held in these provinces last week.

UNSC Resolution 1925 adopted in May 2010 on MONUSCO mandate highlights that the Mission has now entered a new phase, where close collaboration with UN agencies and DRC Government in the area of peace consolidation and stability is more than critical. Government's Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan for Eastern DRC – STAREC – supported by the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy – ISSSS falls within the scope of this policy.

The most visible example is undoubtedly the UNDP and UNOPS-led project, supported by the Congolese Government and MONUSCO CAS section in 25 localities in the North and South Kivus and the Oriental Provinces along six road axes. The objective is to consolidate Government State authority in key-localities of the areas affected by the conflicts.

In the North Kivu, the project will benefit the localities situated along the axes Sake-Masisi and Rutshuru-Ishasha, and those in the mining zones. In South Kivu, the project will focus on the axes Bukavu-Hombo, Bukavu-Shabunda and Fizi-Minembwe; while in the Orientale Province, it will focus on the localities of Bogoro, Boga and Gety, the district of Ituri.

Due to last 12 months, the project will cost nearly US$ 5.5 millions and will be funded by ISSSS and the Peace Building Fund. The consolidation and restoration of the State authority is a huge challenge in the territories that suffered violence from armed groups. Some of the zones identified by the project like Masisi in the North Kivu, were recently under the control of illegal parallel administration.

Three-phase project

- During the first phase, UNDP and MONUSCO/CAS will have to increase population awareness about the project, placed under the aegis of the STAREC programme.

- The second phase will mainly focus on building the administrative offices and supply of equipment supply. The work has already started in 15 local administrations of the identified provinces (Photo: built premises handed over to Rutshuru administration in North Kivu).
- In the final phase, partners will train 500 Government public/civil servant once the provincial Government finalises the list of the staff to be deployed.

The entire project will have to be completed by the end of June 2011. In the long run, Congolese authorities will be responsible for maintaining the administrative buildings and supporting the staff who will be using the facility.