Mary Robinson to build confidence among signatories to Addis Ababa Peace Framework

6 May 2013

Mary Robinson to build confidence among signatories to Addis Ababa Peace Framework

Goma, 2 May 2013 – The UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy, Mary Robinson, conducted a nine-day visit to the Great Lakes Region of Africa, starting 28 April 2013. After spending two days in Kinshasa where she met with the President of the Republic, Joseph Kabila, and UN officials, she travelled to Goma on 30 April, joined by Roger Meece, head of the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO). The aim of her visit was to mobilize and encourage all partners to commit to the Framework Agreement signed on Sunday, 24 February 2013 by 11 countries in the sub-region.

On 18 March 2013, the UN Secretary-General appointed Mrs. Robinson, of Ireland, as Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region. In this capacity, she is to play a key role in supporting the implementation of the "Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region."

"I came to Goma in 2009 when I was UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and I am horrified to see that nothing has changed since 2009. The violence against women still continues; women are raped; there are still large-scale violations of human rights in Nord Kivu, and this is not acceptable. I am convinced that civilian protection needs to be strengthened, and that is why I took up this position. But this is a task that I cannot accomplish alone," the Special Envoy said, speaking to a group of journalists she met shortly after her arrival.

On the importance of the implementing of the Framework Agreement, Mrs. Robinson explained what makes this peace deal different from previous ones.

"The difference is that now three governments must fulfill their commitments, namely the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. The Framework Agreement is a national mechanism about which I have spoken with President Kabila and his Prime Minister. It is also a regional mechanism. I have no agenda other than to ensure the implementation of this mechanism.

Mrs. Robinson also met with the Governor of Sud Kivu, Julien Paluku, who, after informing her of the still volatile security and humanitarian situation in the province, said he felt honored by this visit and the support of the United Nations.

Clara Padovan/ MONUSCO