MONUSCO and Government meet over Security Situation in Province Orientale

30 Apr 2013

MONUSCO and Government meet over Security Situation in Province Orientale

Kisangani, 26 April 2013 – Several experts from the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) and from the DRC Government met early this month to reflect on the security and humanitarian situation as well as the situation regarding human rights and justice in Province Orientale.

This meeting was a follow-up to the joint evaluation missions carried out in March to eight territories of the province. It was co-chaired by the Special Representative of the United nations Secretary-General in the DRC, Roger Meece, and the provincial Minister of the Interior, Decentralization, Public Order, Customary Affairs, Population and Human Rights, Hubert Moliso Nendelo.

The joint MONUSCO-Government missions last March to the territories of Ango, Bafwasende, Dungu, Faraje, Niangara, Irumu, Mambassa and Aru showed that insecurity remained a great concern in this part of the DRC. And so the Kisangani meeting focused on examining the different issues of insecurity in the above territories with a view to finding adequate solutions. The event also enabled the two delegations to exchange views on issues regarding the protection of civilians, the restoration of State authority, and the province MONUSCO support in the province.

"This consultation, which is held under the program of situation evaluation missions around the country, is of critical importance not only to the Congolese Government but also to the United Nations. It will help the two parties to develop a comprehensive view of the security situation in the DRC and to guide actions that need to be taken," Mr. Meece said.

The two delegations then left Kisangani to undertake similar missions, successively, to Sud and Nord Kivu, Maniema and Katanga provinces.

Codjo Houegniglo/ MONUSCO