MONUSCO calls for the establishment of interfaith dialogue to avert conflicts in DRC

29 Apr 2013

MONUSCO calls for the establishment of interfaith dialogue to avert conflicts in DRC

Kinshasa, 26 April 2013 – On the occasion of the second part of the awareness campaign for the culture of peace, started on Tuesday 16 April, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) appealed for the establishment of interfaith dialogue and culture of peace to avert conflicts in the DR Congo.

"The interfaith dialogue, high on today's agenda, is a phenomenon that requires close collaboration among religious elites to help the different communities live in harmony. Dialogue is to be seen as a base on which shall rest moderate practices based on respect for others' beliefs and ideas as well as respect for differences," said Mr. Charles Bambara, Director of MONUSCO Public Information Division in his address to the audience.

A large number of university professors, secondary education teachers as well as religious and leaders of civil society organizations met at the Centre inter-diocésain of Kinshasa to reflect on the theme "Interfaith Dialogue, key factor for lasting peace."

Thursday's forum was designed to contribute to the promotion of the culture of peace and the prevention of new and continued conflicts in DR Congo.
"Such is our role, such is our first mission to help the Congolese get together as often as possible to brainstorm on their common destiny," underscored Mr. Charles Bambara, before expressing gratitude to all the religious officials on behalf of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Roger Meece.

Joseph Tshimanga/ MONUSCO