MONUSCO Chief Visits Crash Site of UN Aircraft

5 Apr 2011

MONUSCO Chief Visits Crash Site of UN Aircraft

Kinshasa, 5 April 2011
– The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mr. Roger Meece, accompanied by his two Deputies, Ms. Leila Zerrougui and Mr. Fidèle Sarassoro this morning visited the site of the UN plane crash, which occurred at N'Djili International Airport in Kinshasa yesterday.

While at the scene of the tragedy, the Special Representative expressed shock at the extent of the damage. On behalf of the UN Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), he extended his deepest condolences and sympathy to the bereaved families and said the identification process of the bodies is being done speedily. He further congratulated the section in charge of the movement of personnel (MOVCON) and other relevant sections for the professionalism in which they dealt with this tragic accident.

The aircraft was on a regular flight from Kisangani, the capital of Province Orientale, north-east of the DRC, when it crashed yesterday afternoon while landing. Thirty-two passengers and all four crew members died in the crash. Only one passenger survived with multiple fractures. He is reported to be under stable condition.

Pénangnini Touré/ MONUSCO