MONUSCO Puts Pressure on Armed Groups in Eastern DRC

3 Jun 2011

MONUSCO Puts Pressure on Armed Groups in Eastern DRC

Bukavu, 30 May 2011
– In a quest to improve security in territories with deteriorating human rights violations, the Sud Kivu-based brigade of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) launched a military operation code named "Enduring Peace" between 23 and 28 May 2011.

Operation "Enduring Peace" came at the heels of "Akikisha Usalama", another operation, which ended on 21 May. The main focus of "Enduring Peace" was in areas not covered by the previous operations. As a result, "Enduring Peace" set up five temporary bases for the following territories: Ngomo, Hombo, Karmany, Lubimbe-2 and Kilembwe. Seven mobile bases were set up thereafter to cover Karinzu, Fumia, Buluho, Kabingo, Mulombozi, Kasika and Kitamba localities.

A new operation known as "Amani Ya Kweli", a Swahili term for 'genuine peace', was most recently launched with the intent of deploying eleven mobile operational bases, and also conducting patrols in the territories where human rights violations are also known to be common.

An Egyptian special force company of MONUSCO is deployed in Kamituga, Nyamaronga, Ilambo and Numbi. This operation aims at filling the void left by the Congolese National Armed Forces (FARDC) because of the internal restructuring of their units.

These operations constitute proactive measures to help ensure security in the territories left unoccupied by the FARDC pending their return in late June.

Biliaminou Alao/ MONUSCO