
MONUSCO deploys troops to protect civilian in Uvira

General Commis (MONUSCO) and General Kasereka (FARDC) refining the protection plan of the city of Uvira. Photo MONUSCO/Bilamekaso Tchagbele

MONUSCO is gravely concerned by the use of lethal weapons by Congolese defense and security forces in a crowd control operation in Bukavu

MONUSCO is gravely concerned by the use of lethal weapons by Congolese defense and security forces in a crowd control operation in Bukavu

Following deadly clashes, MONUSCO provides support to Burundian refugees in Kamanyola

Following deadly clashes, MONUSCO provides support to Burundian refugees in Kamanyola. Photo MONUSCO/Alain Likota

World leaders pledge to eliminate sexual exploitation and abuse; UN chief outlines course of action

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres addresses the High-Level meeting on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, at United Nations headquarters, Monday, Sept. 18, 2017. Photo: Richard Drew, AP

18 September 2017 – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today called on the world to stand in solidarity to condemn sexual exploitation and abuse as he detailed the key initiatives at the heart of his victim-centred approach to

19 Sep 2017
