Congolese media sensitized for the protection of human rights in Kasaï Occidental

17 Feb 2012

Congolese media sensitized for the protection of human rights in Kasaï Occidental

Mbuji Mayi, 9 February 2012 - The United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO) in Kasaï Oriental organized on 7 February 2012, a day of reflection on the role of social media in the promotion of human rights. The participants, 34 in total, were selected among media professionals and human rights defenders, as well as some provincial authorities, including the Provincial Minister of Communication and Media. This day of reflection is part of the International Human Rights Day, which is officially observed on 10 December.

In order to facilitate the discussions, the participants were divided into working groups according to sub-themes which included "An overview of the state of affairs and mentoring of media professionals" and "The role of media in relation to human rights".

As a result of these discussions, several recommendations were made to the public authorities, including the reopening of media outlets of the province which were forced to close from last November, during the electoral period.

Furthermore, the journalists made the commitment to act with respect for their Code of Ethics, and ensure, under any circumstances, the respect for human rights in the exercise of their profession.

For his part, after welcoming this initiative, the Provincial Minister of Communication and Media announced that a consultative framework between his Ministry and human rights defenders will be implemented soon for a better collaboration in the protection of human rights in the province.

Timothée Katumba Tshiamamba/ MONUSCO