UNSE for the Great Lakes Region visits DRC before her participation at the ICGLR in Luanda, Angola

21 Jan 2014

UNSE for the Great Lakes Region visits DRC before her participation at the ICGLR in Luanda, Angola

Kinshasa, 13 January 2014
. Mary Robinson, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes today emphasized the importance of the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PCS) Framework and urged all signatories to abide by their commitments.

During a two-day visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mary Robinson noted that recent progress had been achieved at national level through the preparation of an electoral road map, the submission of a draft amnesty law to Parliament and approval of a DDR/DDRRR plan. However, she called for greater support for the National Oversight Mechanism (NOM) and greater efforts to align its work with that of other institutions.

The Special Envoy stressed the need to address the economic pillars of the PCS framework with a view to generating peace dividends for all Congolese people.

Mary Robison departs Tuesday 14 January to Luanda, Angola, to participate at the International Conference for the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).


1. The Special Envoy arrived in Kinshasa on Saturday evening, January 11.

2. During her visit she was received in audience by president Kabila and met the Prime Minister Matata Ponyo, the Minister of foreign affairs, Raymond Tshibanda and the President of the CENI, Abbé Malu Malu.

3. Mary Robinson also had meetings with MONUSCO and UNCT representatives, including the SRSG, Martin Kobler as well as donor partners.

4. The Special Envoy took part on Monday by VTC in the Security Council meeting on DRC in New York