Pakistani troops restored security in Sabele village in South-Kivu

31 Oct 2011

Pakistani troops restored security in Sabele village in South-Kivu

South Kivu, 3 October 2011
- Pakistan Army confronted an armed group in Sabele village and made them flee this village located 32 Km South West of Baraka in South Kivu.

These troops, part of the UN Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO), had set out to establish a Mobile Operating Base (MOB) in Sabele village in the backdrop of the area. After they were at about tree kms from the village they heard gunshots and saw the local population stampeding around the village.

As this MOB of MONUSCO's Pakistan Army battalion (Pakbatt) moved ahead and probed into the circumstances, they were fired upon by unidentified assailants near the village. The MOB kept advancing under the cover of their armored vehicles (Armored Personnel Carriers), took position and responded by retaliatory fire. The armed group feared being surrounded, then offered negotiation and pledged to withdraw.

Since then, the local population has returned to the village and resumed normal life.

This action was carried out in compliance with MONUSCO mandate, which does not allow direct offensive clash with armed groups except for self-defense in line with the UN Charter.

Maj Ghulam Shabbir Anjum /MONUSCO