MONUSCO explains its mandate to students in Mbandaka, Equateur province

5 Feb 2013

MONUSCO explains its mandate to students in Mbandaka, Equateur province

Mbandaka, 4 February 2013 - The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), through its Public Information section, took part, on Saturday, 4 February, in a cultural event organized by the Coordination of Students of the Medical Studies Institute of Mbandaka (IEM -- Institut d'Etudes médicales de Mbandaka) in Equateur province. The National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) and the National Multi-Sector HIV/AIDS Control Program (PNMLS -- Programme national multisectoriel de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA) also participated in this meeting, the objective of which was to inform students about the ongoing electoral process in the DRC, and to raise their awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention and the mandate of MONUSCO.

As it turned out, the meeting was yet another opportunity for MONUSCO to answer questions about its role in the events that led to the capture of the town of Goma, Nord Kivu province, by rebels of the M23 group in November 2012. The hundred or so participants were told about the specific role that the UN Mission plays in the country, in accordance with its mandate. "MONUSCO is not there to substitute itself to Congolese authorities, but to lend its support to them," one MONUSCO official present at the meeting explained.

Many questions were raised, mainly about the type of support that MONUSCO provides to the National Armed Forces, or the National Police. Other concerns were about the persistence of insecurity in the eastern part of the country. In a straightforward manner, the meeting initiators explained that MONUSCO continues to implement its mandate as best as it can with the resources available and in harmony with the country's defense and security forces.

Jean-Tobie Okala / MONUSCO