MONUSCO builds a sport complex for Dungu children

29 aoû 2012

MONUSCO builds a sport complex for Dungu children

Dungu, 25 August 2012 – The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), in collaboration with SAIPED (Solidarité et Assistance intégrale aux Personnes démunies), a local non-governmental organization led by Reverend Father Ernest Sugule, inaugurated a sport complex in Dungu, a town located in the Far North of province Orientale. The sports field will also benefit children living in the surrounding areas, many of whom are survivors of the brutality of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA).

Funded through MONUSCO's quick impact projects, this field will give hundreds of children the opportunity to practice sporting activities such as basket-ball, volley-ball, tennis and badminton. The inaugural ceremony was attended by the representative of the territorial administrator as well as several administrative, traditional and religious authorities.

"We are thankful both to MONUSCO for funding the building of the multi-sports field for us and to SAIPED for the highly-appreciated achievement that will benefit all the children in Dungu," said Alain Kumboyo, an 11-year old boy, on behalf of his playmates.
The interim chief of MONUSCO office in Dungu welcomed what he referred to as a dream come true for these children; he said he was thrilled at the long-term effects this project would bring to the entire community with the hope that these children will acquire such values as team spirit, tolerance and fair play through sport.
Local authorities in Dungu reiterated their gratitude to the Mission before making a pledge to enforce respect for children's rights and to work for their education.

Carline Allen/ MONUSCO