The training of 500 PNC elements begins in Kapalata, province Orientale

1 oct 2012

The training of 500 PNC elements begins in Kapalata, province Orientale

Kisangani, 26 September 2012 – Five hundred police officers just started a training session at the Kapalata training centre in Kisangani, capital of province Orientale. On 26 September 2012, the opening ceremony was chaired by the interim Governor of the province, in the presence of several Congolese and United Nations system officials.

The police officers concerned have been in office for some years but have never been properly trained. They came from the provinces of Maniema, Nord Kivu and province Orientale.

The UNDP Country Director in DRC, Mr Adama Coulibaly, explained that the training aims at "enhancing the professional and operational capacities of the Congolese national police (PNC) so they can effectively protect people and goods with respect for human rights and citizens' freedoms."

This basic training will last six months. The teaching subjects are: Intervention Techniques, Law and Order, Human Rights, Conduct, Intelligence, Shooting, Community Policing, physical training, including martial arts. The teachings will be provided by Congolese instructors as well as instructors of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).

General David Masandi, Provincial Commissioner of the Congolese national police recalled to the officers: "You must do the work that you are required to do and not the opposite".

Mr Jacques Desilets, MONUSCO Deputy Police Commissioner said that the professionalization of the Congolese police is necessary if it is to modernize.

In addition to MONUSCO and UNDP, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Congolese Government are also supporting this project. The total cost of this training is USD 2.5 million.

This is the third training session of its kind since 2010

Aliana Alipanagama/MONUSCO