United Nations Security Council Resolution 1820 is celebrated in Ituri, Province Orientale

6 juil 2012

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1820 is celebrated in Ituri, Province Orientale

Bunia, 19 June 2012 - On 19 June 2112, the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO) of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), in partnership with an NGO, Lawyers Without Borders, and many national actors, celebrated the 4th anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1820.

For the UNJHRO and its partners, the celebration of this resolution, which specificity is to address sexual violence, including the violence committed in situations of armed conflict, was an opportunity to sensitize members of the judiciary in Ituri, Province Orientale, on this scourge. During the different modules, the discussions focused on "Sexual violence as a threat to peace, security and a barrier to development", and the "Role of members of the judiciary in the fight against impunity for acts of sexual violence".

The UNJHRO Coordinator in Ituri took the opportunity to call upon the local populations to engage in the fight against sexual violence against women and girls because, as he said, this violence is a threat to peace and a barrier to development.

Amadou Maïga/ MONUSCO