The district of Sud-Ubangui has now its first administrative building

9 juil 2012

The district of Sud-Ubangui has now its first administrative building

Gemena, 28 June 2012 - The administrative building of Sud-Ubangui district, Equateur province has just been renovated thanks to the contribution of a quick-impact project of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).

The project, which cost 19 850 dollars enabled to finish the construction of this 550 m2 modest building which works had started in 1974, according to the local authorities. The inauguration ceremony took place on 28 June in Gemena, main town of the province, with an important crowd, the local administrative authorities and some MONUSCO officials attending.

This was a historic moment in the life of the local population because according to Gaston Nande Ngawi Ego, head of the department of public works and infrastructure, it is "the only administrative building constructed in Gemena by the Congolese authorities after independence". With this new infrastructure, the authorities hope for a better control of the administrative agents who,until now had to work from home.

MONUSCO is increasing this type of projects in the Equateur province, but also throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since 2007, in this province, MONUSCO has among other things renovated three water sources in Gemena; provided furniture to primary schools and built latrines at the central market. MONUSCO also rehabilitated the Maison citoyenne de la Société civile, and built a community radio in Dongo. All these achievements are part of the peace consolidation and stabilization efforts in Equateur.

Jean-Tobie Okala et Théophile WockoLombangi / MONUSCO