Over 200 children interact with MONUSCO staff in Sud Kivu

8 sep 2012

Over 200 children interact with MONUSCO staff in Sud Kivu

Bukavu, 30 August 2012 - As part of its public awareness and sensitization activities, the Office of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) in Sud-Kivu brought 230 schoolchildren to its premises for a visit designed to make them better acquainted with the Mission's role in the country. The children, who are under the care of different associations, came from various parts of the province to attend this event, which took place just a couple of days before the start of the academic year. The visit included presentations delivered in Swahili and French, the two major languages in this part of eastern DRC.

The organizers intended to provide both entertainment and education. So, a first group of about 160 children aged five to 16 years were guided through the different offices and installations of MONUSCO, followed by a series of brief presentations on the Mission's mandate, and a distribution of school kits. The second group, made of children aged between 12 and 18, were taken to visit one of MONUSCO military camps in the area of Idi-Kivu, some 30 kilometers south of Bukavu, the provincial capital.

Meeting and interacting with the peacekeepers enabled the young visitors to gain a better understanding of the role that these peacekeepers play alongside the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) for the protection of the civilian population. The children were especially impressed by the demonstration of a combat operation performed by some elements of the Mission's Force.

This encounter was also an opportunity for both MONUSCO's military and civilian staff to answer the seemingly naïve but challenging questions that the children asked, including « Why doesn't MONUSCO kick the rebels out of the DRC's national territory? »; «Why do Congolese people continue to suffer despite the mission's presence? »; «Who is the chief of MONUSCO? »; and « Why doesn't MONUSCO recruit Congolese into its Force? »

Tahina Andriamamonjitianasoa/ MONUSCO