Awareness campaign to promote culture of peace in Kisangani, Orientale province

21 jan 2013

Awareness campaign to promote culture of peace in Kisangani, Orientale province



Kisangani, 15 January 2013 – Local civil society organizations on Tuesday, 8 January 2013, concluded an awareness raising campaign, which took place over several weeks and aimed at promoting civic values and a culture of peace in Kisangani, capital of Orientale province. The campaign was organized with the support of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO).

This awareness drive was undertaken a few weeks after violent demonstrations rocked Kisangani over the fall of Goma, capital of Nord Kivu province, to rebels of the M23 movement. It also followed persistent rumors in Kisangani that further protests were being prepared, this time to press for an immediate swearing in of the provincial newly elected governor.

The campaign program featured a series of meetings with several target groups in different parts of Kisangani. These included information and peace awareness events held on the morning of 8 January 2013 by the Youth Organizations Consultation Framework for Peace Building in Kisangani (CCJC) -- Cadre de concertation des organisations des jeunes pour la construction de la paix à Kisangani --, with the support of MONUSCO's Public Information section. Organized around the theme "Youths and Actions for the Preservation of Peace in Kisangani," this information event was attended by more than 60 people, including young students, members of church communities, NGOs and political parties.

"It is imperative that people, particularly young people, regardless of their political leanings, be sensitized to the importance of peace building, tolerance and reconciliation, in the face of the political challenges of the moment, and that they be made aware of the need to avoid being politically manipulated into violent actions, a situation that we are now witnessing in Kisangani," CCJC coordinator Pascal Ukelo said, referring to the objectives of the campaign.

These meetings also featured other presentations on different related topics, including the following "MONUSCO and Peace in the DRC ", "Citizen Participation of Youths in Peace Building through Dialogue and Non-violence in their Living Environment", and "Freedoms and Public Demonstrations: A Way of Preserving the Peace?"

Codjo Houegniglo / MONUSCO