MONUSCO eases plight of deprived school children in Sud Irumu, Ituri district

25 jan 2013

MONUSCO eases plight of deprived school children in Sud Irumu, Ituri district

Bunia, 23 January 2013 – The Ituri Public Information Office of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), at the start of this new year, donated textbooks to pupils in a number of schools in Sud Irumu, one of the five territories of the district of Ituri.

In Ituri, Province Orientale, as in several other parts of the DRC, some parents have to stretch their meager savings to the maximum in order to procure the most basic educational tools, like textbooks and notebooks, for their children.

So, in an effort to ease somewhat the burden for parents, MONUSCO has been lending support to the most disadvantaged pupils, giving preference to those living in areas occupied by armed groups, like Sud Irumu territory. Pupils with disabilities in specialized schools were also among the beneficiaries of these donations.

Amadou Maiga/MONUSCO