MONUSCO and its partners build prison staff capacity in province Orientale

23 mai 2013

MONUSCO and its partners build prison staff capacity in province Orientale

Kisangani, 17 May 2013 – The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) and several partners wound up a nine-day capacity-building training in Kisangani, administrative capital of province Orientale on 16 May 2013. The training was aimed at enhancing prison staff capacity and reviving registrar's service for the detention centers known as "prison centrale and camp de haute détention d'Osio".

Initiated by Congolese Justice Department and funded by French Cooperation, the training was implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with MONUSCO's support through its correction unit in Kisangani.

About twenty learners, essentially prison guards, department heads, prison wardens and Justice Division officials participated in the training focused on the correct use of inmates' statistics data factsheets providing information on inmates' identities, detention conditions and criminal record.

Trainers and learners diagnosed detention conditions in the « prison centrale de Kisangani and Osio prison" located about twenty kilometers south of the provincial administrative capital. UNDP is planning to provide both prisons with IT equipment to help carry through detainees' data collection in both prisons.

Codjo Houegniglo/ MONUSCO