MONUSCO’s mandate explained to pupils of « Les Amis » school complex

7 déc 2015

MONUSCO’s mandate explained to pupils of « Les Amis » school complex

Kisangani, 4 December 2015 – The Public Information section of MONUSCO/Kisangani on Friday December 2015 held an information session to raise awareness of the Mission’s mandate among the pupils of “Les Amis” school complex, located in the municipality of Makiso.

Some 80 pupils, girls and boys, followed with great interest the presentation entitled « United Nations Action for Peace and Security in the DRC: From MONUC to MONUSCO”.

In addition to discussing the reasons that had led to the creation of a peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the presentation reviewed the UN’s achievements in the country, particularly with regard to the capacity building for national authorities and civil society actors; as well as logistical support, civilian protection, State authority restoration and peace consolidation.

The participant pupils asked numerous questions about the presence of the United Nations and expressed their wish to see such information and awareness sessions on MONUSCO mandate held regularly as these help raise their general culture level.

At the end of the session, the participants were provided with awareness-raising materials as well as copies of the magazine « Echos de la MONUSCO ».

Guy Karema