The Ukrainian contingent receives the United Nations Medal

24 déc 2015

The Ukrainian contingent receives the United Nations Medal

Bunia, 12 December 2015 - 80 Ukrainian servicemen the 18th Detached Helicopter Unit were awarded the United Nations Medal for their dedication to the cause of peace and stability in Ituri. They received the Medal from General Saif Ur Rahman, the Commander of the Intervention Brigade in Ituri.

This medal is the symbol of the professionalism and commitment with which the Ukrainian soldiers have accomplished their mission as part of the MONUSCO Force. General Saif Ur Rahman expressed his admiration for these soldiers who, he said, are « always ready to take part in the most dangerous of missions to contribute to neutralizing the armed groups in Ituri. »

During their 5 participations in the United Nations stabilization and peace mission, the Ukrainian Helicopter Unit have conducted over 3,340 flights for a total of 3,254 flying hours, and transported 15,600 passengers and about 220 tons of freight.

The ceremony concluded with a traditional meal which, in addition to highlighting Ukrainian culture, provided an opportunity to present the history and traditions of Ukrainian soldiers serving with the MONUSCO Force.

Anne Herrmann