MONUSCO builds vocational center for demobilized ex-combatants in Kasindi

18 sep 2012

MONUSCO builds vocational center for demobilized ex-combatants in Kasindi

Kasindi, 13 September 2012 – The Head of the Office of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) in Beni, Nord Kivu province, laid the foundation for a vocational center dedicated to training ex-combatants during a symbolic ceremony on 6 September 2012. This new center will provide skills in sewing, carpentry and masonry to some 70 demobilized ex-combatants.

The training center is built through the quick-impact project funds of MONUSCO as part of its on-going efforts in the stabilization of the DRC. Thanks to these projects, MONUSCO has constructed bridges, rural roads, administrative buildings, health centers as well as providing equipment and construction material throughout the country.

The total cost of the training center is US$ 27,500, of which $ 25,000 are provided by MONUSCO. Once operational, the center will provide vocational training opportunities on a three-month basis, following which the trainees will receive reinsertion kits allowing them to start a new life.

The training center, which is expected to be completed within three months, will have four rooms and two latrines. The primary beneficiaries will be the ex-combatants from the armed group 'Alliance des Forces démocratiques' (ADF). Other former combatants and youths will also be allowed to use this facility.

The head of MONUSCO's office in Beni welcomed this initiative, which is supported by the Disarmament, Demobilization, Repatriation, Reinstallation and Reinsertion (DDRRR) program. The center's activities, he said, will contribute to improving the security environment and strengthening the socioeconomic fabric.

Upon completion of their training, participants will receive certificates to facilitate their entry in the labor market, or to work on their own if they so choose.

Moussa Demba Diallo/MONUSCO