UN staff inducted on HIV/AIDS in the DRC

5 oct 2012

UN staff inducted on HIV/AIDS in the DRC

Kinshasa, 27 September 2012 - The HIV/AIDS Unit of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) organized the first session of its HIV awareness program for United Nations staff on 20 September.

This sensitization program is in compliance with a recommendation by the UN Secretary General, which makes the HIV induction training mandatory for all staff members, both civilian and military. Resolution 1308 adopted by the Security Council on 17 July 2000 considers that HIV is a threat to security.

The program seeks to improve the knowledge base of UN staff on HIV/AIDS and to encourage each and everyone to know their HIV status and that of their families. This campaign was launched by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in 2007, aiming to achieve "zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths". The devastating consequences of HIV/AIDS are well known. According to UNAIDS, 6,800 people are infected every day, while 5,300 people die from the disease.
Organized in Kinshasa, this first session of the HIV/AIDS sensitization program was attended by 58 staff members, each of whom was issued a certificate of participation at the end. As one of the priorities of the HIV/AIDS Unit, this program will be organized throughout the country targeting areas where MONUSCO has a presence.

Marie-Henriette Patricia Yeyette Elonga/ MONUSCO