A year after its inauguration, the Bunyakiri prison is still not operational

15 oct 2012

A year after its inauguration, the Bunyakiri prison is still not operational

Bukavu, 4 October 2012 - On 4 October 2012, a joint team of officials of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), members responsible for coordinating the Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan (STAREC), representatives of United Nations agencies as well as Government representatives visited the modern-looking prison of Bunyakiri, Sud Kivu province, in order to take stock of its situation.

Located at about 80 km from the city of Bukavu, provincial capital, the Bunyakiri community was chosen within the framework of the STAREC Plan projects implementation. Among the infrastructures, the prison of Bunyakiri was built according to the international penitentiary standards and is adequately equipped. However, although it was inaugurated in 2011, for several reasons this beautiful building remains non-operational.

According to Floribert Kajabika, the prison Director who took up his position in early 2012, this is due to the lack of water supply, electricity, as well as problems related to the salary and living conditions of prison staff, which includes 35 wardens and cooks.
Informed of the situation, the representatives of the Congolese Government promised to address all these issues, thus ensuring the effective operation of the prison by the end of 2012.

The prison of Bunyakiri has a capacity of 120 people, including 20 women in individual cells.

Tahina Andriamamonjitianasoa/ MONUSCO