MONUSCO, UN agencies celebrate United Nations Day in Province Orientale

9 nov 2012

MONUSCO, UN agencies celebrate United Nations Day in Province Orientale

Kisangani, 29 October 2012 – On the occasion of the United Nations Day celebration on 24 October, the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) and agencies of the UN system gathered in Kisangani, capital of Province Orientale, to inform the Congolese public on their respective mandates, including both their completed and ongoing programs and projects through brief presentations.

In attendance at this public event were political figures, civil society members, journalists and students.

Specific UN bodies represented at this event included the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), The World health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and MONUSCO. The mandate of the latter is specifically on the protection of civilians.

OCHA painted a grim picture of the humanitarian situation in Province Orientale, which covers a total area of 503,239 square km, representing 22% of the national territory. Since 2009, many areas of the province have seen a deterioration of the humanitarian situation. Humanitarian action has been itself hampered by poor road conditions, which in turn make it difficult to access the most remote areas in this vast province.

OCHA noted, for example, that "more than 500 tons of food is still waiting to be delivered to thousands of vulnerable persons in the territory of Ango, district of Bas-Uélé, because road access is very difficult." Currently there are approximately 450 000 internally displaced persons in the province, OCHA said. According to the same agency, more than one million persons in this province are living well under the poverty line.

The different presentations were made using illustrations, photographs and documents, much to the satisfaction of the audience.

The provincial governor was represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Jean-Claude Esuka, who expressed his deep gratitude to the United Nations for its continued support in the restoration of peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, thus giving hope to millions of Congolese citizens.

Codjo Houegniglo/ MONUSCO