Workshop to help reinforce the fight against sexual violence and impunity in Sud Kivu

4 mar 2013

Workshop to help reinforce the fight against sexual violence and impunity in Sud Kivu

Bukavu, 19 February 2013 – Twenty-five civilian and military magistrates took part in a training of trainers workshop organized last week in Bukavu, Sud Kivu Province, with the aim to reinforce the fight against sexual violence and impunity.

The five-day training workshop was organized by the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO), in collaboration with the High Council of Magistracy

In his remarks during the opening ceremony on 19 February 2013, the governor of Sud Kivu, Marcellin Cishambo, acknowledged the problem of persistent large-scale sexual violence in his province, despite numerous initiatives supported by the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) to bring to justice those responsible for these crimes. Looking beyond simply making arrests and providing support to victims as a way to tackle this scourge, Mr. Cishambo advocated for psychological or psychiatric treatment of perpetrators of sexual crimes, arguing that those engaging in rape should also be considered mentally ill, thus requiring appropriate mental health care.

For his part, Fabien Safari of UNJHRO said this workshop was part of ongoing efforts by his Office to contribute to restoring rule of law through strengthening the capacity of magistrates for strict and effective implementation of the legal instruments on the prevention of sexual violence. UNJHRO would like the judicial system to be able both to hold perpetrators of sexual violence accountable and provide reparation to victims.

To ensure the success with this workshop, UNJHR collaborated with the High Council of Magistracy, the managing body of magistrates. During the five days of training, the 25 participants were given the opportunity to review several modules, including on national legislation relating to sexual violence, medical-forensic expertise on sexual violence, and the drafting and enforcement of judgments.

This training activity was undertaken within the framework of the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Project, financed by the Canadian International Development Agency.

Alain Likota/ MONUSCO