MONUSCO and its partners reflect on how to improve detention conditions at prisons in province

3 juin 2013

MONUSCO and its partners reflect on how to improve detention conditions at prisons in province

Kisangani, 3 June 2013 – The two main prisons of the Eastern province, including the central prison of Kisangani, the administrative capital, and Osio prison no longer meet the minimal safety and treatment standards required for detainees in this big province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, which borders three sub-regional countries: Central African Republic, South Sudan and Uganda. To improve detention conditions, MONUSCO, the UN Peacekeeping mission in the DRC, and its partners involved in the prison management organized on 30 may 2013 a conference around the theme "the challenges and reforms necessary for a good prison management."

Altogether, thirty participants including several MONUSCO officials, representatives of the United Nations agencies as well as political, administrative, judiciary and military officials and prison staff of Kisangani and Osio prisons took part in the session. The brainstorming revolved around a diagnosis of the main issues in the prisons as the province, as well as the detainees' safety and treatment. Many recommendations were formulated for a better management of the prisons.

Prior to this gathering, MONUSCO and its partners had organized a nine-day training to enhance prison staff capacities and upgrade, in accordance with international norms, the registrar department of the Kisangani and Osio prisons.

Codjo Houegniglo/ MONUSCO